As many of you know PMAO has been picking on poor little ol me.  I mean he has been spending his days and nights trying to get back at me for putting his head on my body. Just look at his blog….it is full of war propaganda.

I really don’t understand this war, I mean we have been friends forever as evidenced by these beautiful memories.

We met the summer of 1999 when we decided to go on a spree of some kind….

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We drove across country one time on a motorcycle….we nearly crashed taking this selfie.

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We both loved theater so we supported each other in auditions. 

They were great parts that would have hit big but I was either too pale or he was too flamboyant.

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I ended up getting married because I was tired of being broke.  Soon after I left PMAO hit it fairly big with a romantic comedy of some sort!

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He ended up getting his own underwear line from it.  I was a tad bit jealous but I was extremely happy for him.

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Success went to his head and he lost his mind for awhile.  Yep, he let himself go a bit.

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But it wasn’t long before he found another gig that got him out of his funk.

During this job he met his beautiful wife.  She fell in love with his big heart.

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Last time I saw PMAO was a year ago and we had the very best time.

  I am glad we are friends and I hope to be friends for a long time into the future!


Today, PMAO made his funniest war posts to date.  It was so funny my daughter and husband both nearly bust a gut.  You can view that post here.  In fact it was so good that I am going to have to concede the war to him.  Yep,  Nothing I write or come up with will top that post.     Thank you for the fun and the laughs PMAO!!

14 thoughts on “BATTLE OF THE FACES

  1. uuuummmm… I don’t know exactly what to say. How about this;
    There is a typo in the last bit, where it says ‘PMAO made is funniest post’. That should be ‘his’, unless you are going Cockney on us and decided to drop all your ‘H’s’…
    This was awesome. You better be glad I had a lot of fun doing stuff to your face…(yeah, like I’m the first guy ever to say that!)… or I would be upset that you are backing down. I think I will have to do some pictures of your kid… nice stuff, don’t worry… I will now go and do a post telling the world how I kicked your ass… and telling them to come and visit this post.


  2. My god, what has this come to? It is really a full-fledged war now, isn’t it. Anyway, cheers to you wonderful warrior types out there. And oh yeah, I LOVE movies about gladiators.


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