Were you remembering All the baseball games As you sat on your porch Listening as kids played A few blocks away The cheers and the boos The random loud cracks As ball met bat Were you thinking of youth Would you have given anything To go back for a day To wear a uniform Sit…


The grass is still wet And the ground is warm Roots drink in water Ants make their tunnels Worms lazily burrow A symphony of sounds If one could hear them Through soil and stone But the dead don’t hear Not like the living do The dead are listening The way the universe does


They told me I couldn’t do it. They screamed at me when I tried. They laughed when I began succeeding. And they found reasons to hate me when I actually accomplished it. It took a long time to realize I didn’t need their encouragement to succeed. I wanted it. I strived for it. But in…


I’ve been sober for quite some time. Aug 10, 2014 I woke up knowing I could never drink again. And I haven’t. I think about and can go back into the brain I had. I can feel all the heartsick and pain. All the ways I let the world torture me… how I tortured myself.…