My #BeReal guest today is Amanda Hall. My name is Amanda Hall, I just turned twenty-eight and I’m just now learning who the real me is and how to accept myself for who I am and to not let other people’s opinions of me stand in my way. I am by no means a writer,…


Pulls out my two cents to share… I want to teach my daughter to take care of herself. I don’t want her to have the false sense of security that some laws tend to create. Trust me… being a victim of date rape I want to teach my daughter how to stay safe. Don’t go…


My #BeReal guest today is Lisa Blair. It’s a simple enough question, I suppose, for most people. For me, whenever I am asked it, I can’t help feeling a little sad. Thinking about who I am reminds me of who I once was and all that I have been through. I am reminded of all…


My RELATIONSHIPS ARE HARD guest today is Lindsay Holmes. Lindsay has written for the #BeReal series previously. If you have a relationships story you would like to submit you can find the guidelines here under RELATIONSHIPS ARE HARD.  You will find the five other topics I am always interested in sharing.   I hope to see…


Welcome to the #BeReal series! I want to showcase real people.  You will judge them.  That’s okay.  And it will be natural for you to do that.  To read all the #BeReal posts to date you can click HERE.    I put together this series because teens everywhere are jumping on this #DontJudgeMe bandwagon.  Well, I think the…


My #BeReal guest today is Justine Perry.   (@justine_perry) How Twitter Destroyed My Life… And How I’m Rebuilding My Confidence. I promised myself I would never feel worthless again. As a teenager, I made this my life’s mission. I failed. Last October I felt completely broken, the last of my spirit had shattered and my…


My #BeReal guest today is Allison Hill. It has taken me the better part of forty two years to understand what it means to actually be real.  It’s not about what you actually show on the outside.  Don’t get me wrong, that’s a part of it.  What you show to the world is what they…


My #BeReal guest today is Diana Gordon. I’ve been asked “are they real” more times than I can count—and not just about a sparkly piece of jewelry or pieces of vintage Fiestaware, but about the curls in my hair and the breasts that have always been large-for-my-size. The same question… As though somehow my accessories…


My #BeReal guest today is Britta Buchanan. What does it mean to #bereal? I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, in the context of how I perceive myself and in the context of how others perceive me. As I write this, I am wrapping up one semester of teaching English in Thailand with the…


  My words get drawn Letter by letter And by the time they are spoken They are nearly all faded As transparent as invisible ink Passed over and overlooked Not important Or too insignificant The power put into them Stolen By passing parades Negligent attention spans And broken concentration