Please welcome Mac Dickson McCannell to #BeReal. Be real… Two simple words that mean so much. When I was asked to explain what “Be Real” means to me, I was at first confused and yet, excited. It has taken me weeks to figure out what angle I wanted to approach. I think why I was…


Please welcome Lindsay Fischer to #BeReal. On Reinvention, Releasing Reality and Whole-Hearted Living I’ve never felt more alive than the day I decided to take the screen off and be myself, releasing stuck pieces of reality from the filter used as my defense and watching the withheld, eager remnants descend in the very first pour.…


Please welcome Drew Sheldon to #BeReal. I couldn’t believe it when Hasty invited me to take part in #BeReal, I was quick to say yes. I was not, however, quick to write this. Writing has been quite a slog recently. The more I work at being real, the more I struggle to continue. I started…


Many years ago I bought my 7 year old daughter an  Oragami kit.  After dinner one night she decided to open it.  She made me a cup and a paper airplane.  I remember thinking to myself how fun it looked and asked her to hand me the Oragami book so I could find something amazing to make.…


Please welcome Ashley Fuchs to #BeReal. Be Real, No Buts About It by Ashley Fuchs, The Malleable Mom “The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.” – F. Scott Fitzgerald “She’s beautiful, but she’s also incredibly…


Please welcome Alisa Schindler to #BeReal. It’s taken decades for me to really figure out what it means to be real, not because I was trying not to be, but because I didn’t know how. I spent a long time insecure and concerned with others’ perception of me. I spent a long time uncomfortable with…