Twisted shadows Stain her eyes Feet buried In a satin hole Hands doing shots Of numbness Rusting guts No more triggers No more tears No more fixes Night falls A gauzy blur As eyelids Fall shut To glimmers Of light Sprouting As if rooted In glitter A reminder You hold a life To not fuck…


I wanted to exit, bad at mending Can’t shake, don’t purposely over bake The thoughts they keep sending Estranged and over lines set center Worrying about what’s ahead But hey, shrug, I’m just a renter Pull up baseboards, hammer floors There’s gotta be something under here A city of dead behind half hanging doors Rooms…


Like a tree I was pushed By wind By hands By ground And sky Some cuts I caused Many more I didn’t My roots Almost died Environment Unkind But like a tree I bent I swayed I stood And I grew My roots They searched And searched Found water Found nutrition And now I bloom…


They told me I couldn’t do it. They screamed at me when I tried. They laughed when I began succeeding. And they found reasons to hate me when I actually accomplished it. It took a long time to realize I didn’t need their encouragement to succeed. I wanted it. I strived for it. But in…


I love music. But I have to be careful with it. If I listen to sad music all day I’ll become sad. Angry music I’ll become angry. So why not always listen to happy music? Because you need balance. If you aren’t happy it could help or it could make you feel even more alone.…


Life won’t matter once it’s gone so it HAS to matter now. I remember the exact moment it felt like everything in my life changed. It was like a strange shift. A falling through floors. As if destiny was reaching out urging me to take its hand. To be honest, that night was blurry as…


Do you spend more time inputting or outputting? Absorbing or creating? Is there something you love doing but you’re always far too busy to do it? I’ve been outputting a lot. At work, with art, with parenting, and thankfully by boyfriend reminds me to input. I listen to books all day long so I feel…


I wish I could sit In the gold Of morning Sit into the pinks And oranges Of sunset Without having to draw A sword for the black The battle we fight When left alone To face the dark And all its monsters The fights though Bring back the light And even though I feel alone…


Tell me how to breathe In a field of hope I’m so used to the battle Anticipating the fights The enemy fire Tell me how to relax When the air is calm Not toxic or electric Or filled with jealousy How do I thrive In a world of peace When rage and fear Are the…


I loved the ‘80s. So many cool memories. Music made life better in so many ways. I mean… You could walk like an Egyptian, dance with somebody that loved you, do the Safety Dance, or you could just Beat it. In the ‘80s you could spin somebody round… like a record, walk this way, pour…