Please welcome Heather LeRoss to #BeREALationships.
I wrote this poem last year to a woman who had been like a sister to me, near the 1 year anniversary of her death. We’d been like family but had lost touch in recent years because, well, life I think. She was struggling and unhappy and I was going through a divorce and we both let life get in the way. When I found out she was gone, I shattered and wished I could go back and tell her everything I’d left unsaid. This (along with a longer letter I wrote), was my attempt to let her know, wherever she is now, how much I loved her.
For more on this story visit STAY FOR ME


You’re gone – too soon

For reasons your own

And I’m left wondering

If I would have known?

Would you have confided and this time I’d know?

This was for real, not just a show.

Would I have felt your pain?

Seen your breath start to fade?

Would I have caught you as you fell?

Could I have made you well?

What do you do when you start to miss them?

When their memory invades and turns your day grim?

How do stop thinking, “She’s done laughing,”

And focus on the fact that she’s done crying?

How do you not come off as vain?

When you want to reminisce to help stop your pain?

How do you explain the years in between?

When words weren’t spoken and life was unseen?

How do you find solace, in knowing she’s finally free?

When your heart aches, wishing she’d, “Stayed…for me.”

heatherHeather LeRoss is the mom to two smelly but sweet boys. She spends her days spinning in circles of crazy wearing a tiara, gripping a glass of champagne. She’s a lover of fine boxed wine and chocolate. Follow the funny and heart feels on www.tipsytiaras.com and on Facebook. She hopes to someday be known as “Heather” again and not “those boys’ mom.”

3 thoughts on “#BeREALationships: YOU’RE GONE – TOO SOON

  1. These thoughts send shadows looming ’round my head
    Such thoughts, my thoughts in step must fear to tread
    For night exists beneath the bright blue sky
    What, if I, still here, and she should die?

    The Reaper calls his shadows’ nightmare dance
    And I am stilled, heart piercèd, as by lance
    For should’t occur, I fear I’d ne’er forgive
    A world in which I knew she didn’t live

    Yea the Reaper turns his gaze to me
    Wretched, I, aware of all he sees
    Entombed ahead of time and left alone
    Alive without my light, my heart, my home

    His toothy grin, disdain, begins to speak
    I am enmeshed, entrapped, proved baseless, weak
    My will to live needs more than this one thread
    Yet how could I face the world if she were dead?


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