My beautiful friend Shae sent me this beautiful poem and spoken word.  She also sent a few links where she read some of her favorite poems I wrote and they are awesome.  Weird hearing your words spoken by someone else but it is truly awesome.  Thank you Shae!!



Wake up little one
Your time is coming
Wake up little one
You are now stronger than you have ever known
Open your eyes little one – the world is waiting for you
The time of hiding is now over, spread your wings and take back your power
Gone are the days of self-doubt and fears
Your light has guided you from the darkness – you are ready to shine
Wake up little one – Mother Earth is calling for you
Hold your head up high – little one – you got this
Look in the mirror little one – do you see her?
It is her that you have been searching for
Love her – little one – she is the one that will save you
Wake up little one – you are coming home

– Shae Lynn McMaster


A little about me…. When I am asked to tell someone a little about me, I always smile. It seems so hard to put into words just exactly who I am. I was born and raised in Oklahoma, it is home and always will be. I am the mother to many children, some are my own, several are not.
I am what many call a jack of all trades, to me I would rather say that I’m a strong woman with many talents.
I am happiest when I am dancing under the moon and talking to the trees. I am a hippie born in the wrong decade. I love music, dancing and reading a good book.
I have recently been drawn to the power of the spoken word and that why you will find me here.
The power that is within the vibration of our voices is more powerful than you could ever realize.

2 thoughts on “SPOKEN WORDS

  1. Love the poetry but fell in love with the bio. I have to get to know her a little better. Thank you, once more, for introducing me to a new voice.


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