My #BeReal guest today is Diana Gordon. I’ve been asked “are they real” more times than I can count—and not just about a sparkly piece of jewelry or pieces of vintage Fiestaware, but about the curls in my hair and the breasts that have always been large-for-my-size. The same question… As though somehow my accessories…


I am constantly in awe of Lizzi Rogers.  She pours words out so eloquently and seemingly effortlessly. Say that five times really fast! Her words are never just words; they live, breathe, and jump up and touch you wherever you are reading them.  I needed a post for today because another one fell through and…


Troy Scott has been spending a lot of time “thinking about the implications and applications of shared perception enhancement”.  It would be so much easier to have compassion, or empathy, or even sympathy for someone if you could indeed see something from another person’s perspective. I don’t think I have ever debuted a short fiction…


Originally posted on pushing our limits:
Stride by sivel120001 via DeviantArt.com My fingers press against the cold glass causing the area just around them to fog from my warmth. I’d love to break this glass that tells me I’m not pretty enough, sexy enough, skinny enough… I’d love to break it and cut away this…


There are some things we just have to experience to understand. I couldn’t stand listening to them whine. My classmates, my co-workers, my friends and my family coming to me and sucking my positive energy dry. Those with so called “depression” were always so negative and I didn’t understand. I didn’t understand. I am ashamed…