I think marriage is sometimes like being in a horror film.  Communication stops and it feels as if you are a ghost trapped inside the confines of a broken down house.

The best part about a horror film though, is the ending… if you aren’t afraid to sit through it all.

It can end in tragedy or in triumph depending on how strong or lucky the characters are!


Written by The Husband and HastyWords

March 2013

But say nothing I will

Confrontation, confusion, misconception

Jealousy and sadness abound

Silence reveals nothing

Hides All


Betrayal sits hunched

Conflicts, mistakes, delusions

Distrust and bitterness surround

Road ahead is merging

Communication lines are down


Symbiosis in our hands

Synergy in our grasp

Junkies for the experiment

Adventure in our veins

Silence leads nowhere


Cooperation is the goal

Destination put on hold

Waiting for the call

For your voice in the hush

But still silence grows


Concepts in dissension

Paths entwined as one

Thoughts lead to action

Silence gives way to sound

Echoing waves of thunder


Storms rage throwing debris

Clearing all the unsound stability

Leaving words of comfort

To linger like a rainbow

Clearing new roads for you and me

16 thoughts on “THE DEATH OF SILENCE

  1. Debris in the dismembered soul
    The heart! a gaping fiery hole
    The tears that dried, the smiles that died
    The nights that froze, the days that died
    The parched lips
    The limb pelvis
    The lifeless arms
    The listless eyes
    Did I hear a cuckoo sing?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ‘Hello darkness my old friend. I’ve come to talk with you again’ – Simon and Garfunkle Oh they’re out there all right… Waiting motionless for the ax to fall… Loved your post! It’s hard to tell from the picture that people ‘really’ care about each other at all. Fact is, in a hedonistic society, they don’t. Astute observation!

    Liked by 1 person

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