10400025_10205361411975781_3257690778980887322_nIt is International Women’s Day so I wanted to celebrate my favorite girl in the whole world.  I use my voice for her sake.  I love you my beautiful daughter.

A video of us 🙂

The moment I saw you

Your eyes swallowed my reality

Held completely captive

Seeing into the deepest part of me

Your love drowning me

Teaching me a new way to breathe

No more the way it used to be

The possibilities in you inspiring me

Nothing could ever be, would ever be

As important as you are now to me

Beautifully connected in a world of promises

My daughter, you will always represent

The most beautiful part of me


  1. Lovely ladies!! And such a lovely sentiment! I remember the moment my son was born, and a feeling overcame me–I knew that no matter what, even though his dad was divorcing me and I had no job or money, everything would be fine, because he gave me courage.


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