The sky disappeared The world has faded Voices once loud Are soft and muted Passion spilled out In inks and paints A world created To drown the noise And I wonder Am I leaving slowly Am I doing it again Part of me Is disappearing Slowly but surely Into the silence I’m creating Man… I’ve…


The world says Emotion is ugly So… You cut out your eyes So tears can’t fall You cut out your voice So the words can’t come You cut off your hands So you can’t wring them You cut off your legs So you can’t crumple Only then will they say Wow You’re so beautiful I…


I kept beating it down My voice and its words To murder it into silence No thoughts, no thoughts Empty the passions Empty the knowledge Empty the fat ego Light the matches Then Let those things burn I’ve always been a super emotional person. Too much. Too much. It took years to train my external…


The moment You realize Something You thought Mattered Doesn’t really Matter Because the Mattering Only became a Matter In the sense That it Mattered To them And now That it Doesn’t really Matter To them You realize It became Something that Matters Deeply to you Because It reminds you How much it Matters That you…


Sometimes I feel like the ghost Whispering ideas That take root Pushing you Like a gentle breeze To feel better To be better To continue on Forward and back Rocking you When it’s dark Singing into you Comfort and joy Until the sun rises Sometimes I feel Like a ghost Fully visible Yet wholly unseen…