I stepped away from the edge

I’d crept up to it for years

Wanting to jump or fly or vanish

I stopped wanting that at some point

But I still stood there… just in case

Sometimes the wind blows really hard

And I fear that wind

How it might do me in

And if it did whose fault would it be

The wind that does what wind does?

Or me for standing where danger lives?

I’ve known the answer

But that edge promotes itself

As freedom… as peace… as a way out

But it’s a liar. It’s a false advertiser.

It offers only a steep drop

And the end to what if

So at some point I turned away

Looked toward “what if” and took a chance

I’ll always be thankful for the chance

Even if it turns out I should have jumped

5 thoughts on “THE EDGE OF NOTHING

  1. “Sometimes the wind blows really hard
    And I fear that wind
    How it might do me in”

    I love your blog

    I don’t come about near enuff
    I aim to ‘wreck-the fie that”


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