Because I don’t feel brave.

Because I want to be brave.

Because I need to be brave.

Because, when it counts…

I am brave.





Love yourself.  This is one of the hardest things to do for many, many reasons.  Sometimes, in order to love yourself you have to change your surroundings, the people in your life, and/or the messages you are used to listening to via media outputs.

Challenge yourself.  Do something you would love to do and stop saying if only.  If only I was prettier, was skinnier, was smarter.  Be brave and go for it.

Dare to dream.  Nobody is stopping you.  Most realities start with a simple dream.

Take charge of life.  Don’t let anyone derail you.  Your parents want you to be a doctor?  Your husband wants you to get breast implants?  What do you want?  There is always room for negotiating but don’t ever forget who the ultimate master of your life is.

Use your words, your voice….SPEAK.  Don’t let anyone steal your voice.  If someone hurts you, hurts someone else then use your voice.  Sometimes justice can be delivered without the use of any names. Sometimes just using your words in the right way can save a life, save your life, right a wrong, or change someone’s heart for the better.  We have seen from past experience that words can change nations and impact generations of people.

Know the difference between sacrifice and abuse.  Relationships are hard and it doesn’t matter what kind it is.  All relationships require some sacrifice but there is a point where it becomes abusive.  Know the difference.  Don’t fight for a relationship that has turned toxic.

Break a few rules.  Have wild and crazy fun now and then.  Skinny dip, eat too much pie before you ride a roller coaster, go sky diving when your 85, wear white after Labor Day…

Forgive.  Don’t let the past chain you up and steal your future.  Forgive the past for the damage it did and continues to try to do and grab hold of the promises waiting for you.

Be Passionate.  Be an activist, find a love and nurture it. The world is a better place when we harness our passions and use them for the good of all mankind.

Don’t give up.  Fight for what you believe in and never give in.

I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back. ~ Maya Angelou.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away. ~ Maya Angelou.

“Even to me the issue of “stay small, sweet, quiet, and modest” sounds like an outdated problem, but the truth is that women still run into those demands whenever we find and use our voices.”
~Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead


BRAVE ~ Sara Bareilles


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