It’s been awhile since I’ve had the time to blog.  You get divorced, become a single parent, and the whole world changes.  BUT I feel I finally have things pulled together enough to come back.  I miss you!


I started a YOUTUBE channel where I basically just read my poetry.  So much harder than I expected it to be… tongue gets twisted up in every direction possible.


I hope you subscribe because it is just the first step in something very exciting my daughter will be doing later.  Enjoy !

Getting sober is the best thing I did for my depression.



I feel myself dangling

Hung from my ankles

Unable to rise above

A rag doll with eyes

Watching the spinning

Colors mixing, swirling

Combining into night

And then it comes to life

Dragging itself closer

Shrouding me, holding me

Suffocating me in its belly

And I close my eyes

Giving myself to sleep

As my consciousness absorbs

All my intoxicated blood

Siphoning all my hurts

And then multiplying them

Into an incomprehensible pain

Causing me to pull the next

Pretty bottle of escapism

From my shelf stocked full


11 thoughts on “DEADLY ESCAPISM

  1. You about summarized why many people drink or turn to the bottle once it’s become a habit. I loved these lines:

    “Siphoning all my hurts

    And then multiplying them

    Into an incomprehensible pain”

    I think some of us that drink (I prefer red wine) do so to unwind and relax. But, it often becomes a crutch and once it does, it’s hard to “escape the escapism.”

    Beautiful poem!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wow! Wonderful description of addiction… love the last part: Siphoning all my hurts, And then multiplying them, Into an incomprehensible pain, Causing me to pull the next, Pretty bottle of escapism. I know this feeling, this pain multiplying and relieved only by continuing. Glad to be out of that deadly cycle ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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