
I don’t like the way the wind

Has been shaking this house

Empty and cold a place

I constructed a life time ago

The creaking

Once a lullaby

Now sounds like screams
I can’t sleep

I can’t think
It’s the house telling me

To get out, go away, move on

And some days

I just sit unable to move
Not even able

To find my way to the window

Too dark to find the doors

I’ve opened a hundred times
This house breathes in my sorrow

Absorbs all my heartbreak

And here I sit again

Letting all the memories flow

I whisper my apologies

Letting my tears fall once and for all

And the house grew silent, peaceful

Just as every door opened

And all the curtains parted

Finally letting in the sun

10 thoughts on “LET IN THE SUN

  1. A wind but waves hello or until next time for the sun, for it whispers conversations both old and young.to remind us of the sun, the sun, the sun, our only one, will you wave to it this spring time sun, wave to it the next time it comes, over an horizon to light the day, to offer time for fun, the wonderful, wonderful spring day sun…


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