


  1. My daughter. She is a person but my happiness is in all the things she brings into my life.  Her laughter always makes me smile.  I think she knows when I am down because she will do anything to make me smile and she usually ends up making herself laugh in the process.  Her smile, when it isn’t sarcastic, is the most beautiful smile I know.  Her voice changes the older she gets but I never get tired of hearing her say mommy.  Without her I doubt I could find happiness in any THING else. 0fa404aa9a8c11e3813d12de6d5e9f1d_6
  2. When someone brags about me.  It doesn’t happen often so when it does I am all shy and melty all over.
  3. Blue skies with small puffy, drifting clouds. I could lie anywhere to watch clouds drift overhead.a22159dcbeb211e3801b0002c9549d8e_6
  4. Clear and slightly cool nights.  I could lie all night watching the universe on a night like this.
  5. Taking naps in the middle of the day on my back patio with HastyHusband.  Waking up in the middle of the day after a short nap in my husband’s arms is the most wonderful feeling.  It feels safe and in those moments I feel we could survive anything together.
  6. Getting random emails from my blogger friends.  Whether for a duet or just to say hi I love hearing from my friends.  It means I crossed their minds.
  7. Thinking about my trip to Boston to meet Sage Doyle.  I can’t wait to meet a blogger I admire AND to tour a new city.
  8. Really good Mac N Cheese.  Something about creamy pasta shells…..mmmmmmm.
  9. Reading Edward Hotspur’s poetry.  Ever since he started Lyrical Anarchy I have been drawn to his words.
  10. Post work out feeling.  Love that exhausted I DID IT feeling.1738303_1447857778782150_2058759249_a
  11. Sushi…especially salmon or tuna.  I used to hate sushi, just the smell made me ill but now I crave it.b94f5080b15311e3bee31207ee02ddea_6
  12. Hugs and kisses (I don’t have personal space issues unless bad breath is involved).  I have probably at least hugged every human I have met and half of them have been kissed.d992979cc33911e388aa0002c9c61462_6
  13. When someone asks me on a date because it means they want to spend time with me.  I don’t get enough time for this but I love lunch, coffee, tea, biking, dinner, movie, shopping, club, gym dates.  They are all good.19a3064247b511e3af2822000ae81103_6
  14. Lying in my closet floor listening to music on my headphones.  This is my get away from the world and hide time.  It is the time that calms me down and revives me.
  15. When someone trusts me enough to confide in me.  Being trusted is a beautiful feeling.1209685_475905645847542_416959163_a
  16. Late night conversations with an old friend I knew when I was younger.  One person in particular has always had time to listen to me ramble and it is usually after midnight.
  17. Spending one on one time with my closest friends.  This is when you know you are friends when you are comfortable just being alone together.924340_1587575351466755_349677897_a
  18. Dancing….want to learn how to 2 step next.  I watched couples 2 stepping this weekend and every single one of them was all smiles!
  19. A warm bed when it is freezing outside.  Winter is hard for me because most of the time I just want to be in my warm sheets.
  20. Cuddling.  Something about having someone hold you in their arms is healing. db8265f89a3711e382e61236f58d57db_6


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