Another duet with my favorite writer.  Truly very happy to have crossed blogging paths with this amazing author of “The Journal of Wall Grimm”.  If you don’t already know he set up a whole new blog specifically for this well crafted tale of a young man journeying through his 20’s.  It is mature themed and rated.  I will warn you, it is not a boring tale!  🙂


Written by Sage Doyle and HastyWords

Many miles separate us

yet we see the same sky

many miles between us

yet your presence sits

comfortably in my mind


I know you beyond what I see

perhaps we have met before

we precede this ease and discourse

teased and released

with words to pass and ensure


Connections course easily

back and forth, to and fro

a conduit of electricity

sparking conversations

personalities in synchronicity


There is something waking

alive in the winds we breathe

like a cyclonic emergence

undulating beneath the surface

of all formality


A dual transformation of sorts

Takes place quietly, underneath the noise

A cosmic exchange, a big bang

Masters of a new universe we became

New worlds born upon our creative slang


And you are the sublime sculptor

with the delicate hands of artistry

creating our subtle nuanced armature

and I am the hope for our music

a rhythm pulsing between us


Our friendship, our magnum opus

our seamless metrical time, pacing

within the cadence of this one common life

as we submit ourselves

for faithful acceptance

7 thoughts on “OUR POEM

  1. I hope I say this correctly, though I know little about duets in poetry, but that was just sublime. I’d keep going, but that might just take away the ‘cool’ factor the Duck was trying to encompass in her ways of a blogger


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