Written by Eric Keys and HastyWords
Blood shot eyes stared back from the darkness
Unholy nights visiting with no holding out allowed
Time slides languid, no taking back choices made
In love with you I fell into hell before having died
And I learned regret was the devil’s common maiden name
You were like a chain on my soul, beautifully free
Creating a new being, using me, taunting me
You were the one who was always there holding me
You grew in me, blossoming inside of me
Under your wise tutelage, I gave you my beating heart
During the day we studied, constantly
We learned every forbidden philosophy
And at night you instructed me, erotically
In the arts of pleasuring you, loving you
You would drive me to the edge, over and over
With rope and words, hands and tongues
Until my soul was in a quivering state of want
Needy lashes of your hot, sticky lust
Filling me, covering me, marking me, burning me
Dirtying me, dirty demon, dirty me
“No regrets” was your command, you captured me
Taking me and robbing me, slowly and methodically
Of every ounce of humanity, morality turned to shame
You plucked from me, stealing love from my life
Showing me over and over its cruel and punished fate
My brother’s screams a constant echo in my ears
And to my spoiled niece, the one who called me
“Crazy Uncle Tom”, you did things, diabolical things
Numbing every feeling in me from a created horror felt
Using your devices, you trapped me, tutored me
You looked at me gauging my reaction,my allegiance
“No regrets,” I said, I am left with no more choices
You stole from me each and every bit of love I held
Thieved from me all humanity that was born in me
This was my initiation, my new birth was your hunger fed
And then you would look at me each time
Brow arched wondering how completely you had me
“No regret,” I would say and you would smile
Because regret is the Devil’s common maiden name
And then she whispered good and took my hand
I have no urge to see your father just yet

32 thoughts on “THE DEVIL’S MAIDEN NAME

  1. Pingback: THE DEVIL’S MAIDEN NAME | erickeys

  2. Wow!!! Really great! It’s fun to write dirty. Here’s how we do it in Haiku form:

    Soft and pliable,
    She wishes she were tighter
    So he could tear her.

    She craves affection –
    Heavy sweet, warm, and sticky –
    Unquenchable thirst.

    Looking down he scans
    The subtle curves of her cleavage
    Enticing him near.



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